Saturday, March 31, 2007

from Jennifer

i thought i would try this post thing too!
well, i am still in san diego and nearing the end of my first year in grad. school.
for those who don't know, i'm getting a MA in speech pathology (or therapy) specifically in the area of bilingualism, so i'll be certified to work with any kid or adult who speaks more than one language. this means that i've had to learn, and am still learning about the languages of the world, esp. the langugae spoken in the U.S. its been fun i guess, as fun as school can be; but its also tiring...well draining would be a better word. it is a very competitive program...which is a bit difficult for me since i still have to learn about having a competitive spirit...and its also 50 women in the program, and we see each other monday through friday which is also TIRING!!! we could really use a couple more guys in our program, i think having guys would add a new and much needed dimension to our field.
anyways, school is not TOTALLY consuming me; evie came out to visit a few weeks ago, so she and julie came down to visit me. my mom came last week which was fun- we went to the zoo went to the beach, did all kinds of stuff...and slept in. ha!
i'm trying to think. oh i'll be back in Michigan in May for Josh and Annie's wedding and then i will also be back in August, hopefully in time for paul and layne's wedding and also to see all the new babies in our family!
well i hope y'all are well and enjoying the coming of spring (in Michigan). i really miss the drastic change of weather and scenery that we have in Michigan; here things just kind of are the same for the whole year with some minor changes...but in san diego, it is basically sunny everyday, which makes me really miss the rainy days in Michigan. I'm rambling.
hmmm...i miss calvin; i had a really good "school experience" and friend experience there, and being in a new city at a HUGE university is still something i am getting used to. i am slowly making new friends, although the goings in that area have been tough :)
so, i think that is it...tomorrow is my last day of spring break, so i am making myself take a few hours off and go to the beach. as i said before, i hope you all are doing well and i can't wait to see everyone when i get back!
p.s. sorry no photos yet...i have to figure things out one step at a time :)

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