Monday, May 7, 2007

Our Miracle.....Nadia Elizabeth Pylman

I thought I'd show off our little girl, since we've all been praying for her for so long. My water broke last Monday at 4:20pm (at my parents house on the toilet). My mom and dad, Maria and Jake were all over and I didn't tell them. I just got out of the bathroom and said I had to get going to meet Ryan to run some errands. I then went home, took a shower to shave my legs (they had to be done!), and waited for Ryan to get home. At the time I wasn't having any contractions. We then left to go to the hospital just after 5pm. Contractions started when I got to the hospital and they were 2-3 minutes apart right away. They check me and I was at a 6. I was then switched to the delivery room at about 7pm and was given an epidural and they checked me and I was at a 91/2! She was born at 8:07pm. Ryan and I were about 90% sure we were having a boy and when he said it was a girl...we were so shocked, but in a good way. It was a wonderful experience, and she is such a miracle. Healthy and almost full term (37wks exactly). Thanks again for all your prayers throughout the pregnancy-again, God answers prayers!

Nadia Elizabeth Pylman
April 30, 2007 8:07pm
5lbs 14oz 18"


Tim and Sara DenHartigh said...

Congratulations! What a cutie. Sounds like you had a very fast labor. That's great! Can't wait to see her.

(We're about 95% sure we're having a girl too...not just a gut feeling, the ultrasound said so!)

Anonymous said...

She looks so sweet! I can't wait to meet her in person. I can't believe you didn't tell anyone that your water broke AND that you went home and shaved your legs!